Saturday, May 10, 2014
1. Processing rubber sheet processing rubber latex sheet is changed into fresh sheets sheet through Berita Bolaa screening process, dilution, freezing, pengggilingan, and fumigation 2. Processing Crepe transform fresh latex through a screening process, dilution, freezing, grinding and drying the sheet crepe. 3. Processing Rubber Hood latex screened in the bath or tank to form slab of the stone or koagulum then cut into pieces, done granulation machine washed and dried pelletiser machine and conveyor belt. As a result compressed to a uniform size and then packed with polyethylene.
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More Young (2007), explains that menunas rubber plant is wasting activities buds which grow before the height of 250 cm. This meant that more fotosintat used for the growth of stem diameter, up to a fast growing girth and tapped the flat raised areas.
At the national large-scale plantations, private estates and estates of the people, generally budding branches growing on young plants promptly removed and cut with a frequency of 2-4 weeks. The aim is to obtain a flat field and good sadapan. In the sprouting system gradually and restrained, the branches are allowed to grow for some time to have some level umbrella (Prasetyo, 1997).
Axillary buds that grow on the leaves as shown picture 2. (A),Agen Casino Onlinefotosintat absorb more than used for girth growth. These buds should be removed in order to accelerate the achievement of maturity criteria tapped. Removal buds should be as close to the trunk, until there is no remaining buds former and as early as possible that at the age of 2-4 weeks from the beginning of the growth of buds, as shown in picture 2. (B), aim to tap the field remains smooth and non-crop met by waste mengayu buds.
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