Saturday, July 5, 2014

Longan care Pingpong

Longan care Pingpong To support maximum results in longan cultivation Pingpong there are several treatment steps that must be done by fans, among others: - Setting up the hole before kelengkeng pingpong planted. For seeds that Mesar size is 0.75mx 0.75mx 0.75m hole while for small seed size 0.5mxBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA 0.5mx0.5m. - The ideal distance between the plants in the garden between 5 to 6 meters. - Media plant is Manure and Soil 1:2 and let stand for 7 days in the hole before planting seeds. - Do trimming the branches after reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Hakl was conducted to reproduce a pingpong longan fruit twigs so much more. Pelangkasan pattern with 1:3:9 system. - Do Fertilization 3 times a year. - Planting in pots with planting medium composition 2:1:1 (soil: manure: husk). - With good care includes dangir process, fertilization and regular penyirama within 1.5 years from grafting seedlings will begin to bear fruit, while seedlings from seeds will bear fruit at the age of 2.5 years.
pingpong longan is very easy to be cultivated or for purposes tabulampot (fruit plants in pots) to decorate the home page. Very suitable to be planted in the hot area of ​​land that is in place as long as even a narrow open (direct sunlight). In addition to large fruit, sweet taste, aroma also more fragrant than local or longan longan which we often encounter in the supermarket which we often call kelengkeng bangkok. Another advantage of this type of longan is he can harvest (harvest large) three times a year, while the sub-fertilization can occur throughout the year as long as enough nutrients for the plants. So for a whole year to enjoy the fruits of longan pingpong. Besides this plant almost no pests, my experience at the time the main enemy is the grasshopper growth while at the time of fruit is fruit bats (bats). How to Plant and Maintenance To prepare the seed hole size of 0.75 m x 0,75 m x 0,75 m was to prepare a hole small seed size of 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m with a media mix 1:1:1 respectively to the ground: sand or husk: manure (preferably using goat manure, because it had phosphate
SUNDULBET AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA levels greater than cow dung). Media mix should be left in the hole for a week, and then used to grow (this is so that microbes from manure can be spread by either a mishmash of media so that the media is more friable and also allow time for adaptation for seed to be planted on the surrounding environmental conditions). At the time of planting to tear the bottom of the bag or poly bag, not from the edge of the container so that the media and the roots do not shake. If the treatment is good (often fertilized, watered and didangir) plants from cuttings will usually begin flowering and fruiting at the age of 8-12 months. while that of the seed can begin to bear fruit at the age of 21-24 months. Just a reminder should be watering and fertilizer spraying is done at night or early morning before sunrise, it is more effective because that is when the leaf stomata open. PLANT IN POT longan

Nursery. Ping pong litchi seedlings in pots with a size of 1 × 2 m2 (or big pots according to the size of seeds).
Application of the planting medium. Least good quality ping pong longan and growth depend on the application of media. Ideally, the media that are porous or hollow is recommended to be applied in pots, such as poor sand, manure, and chaff - with a ratio of 1:1:1. In this stage, the important thing to do is pendangiran or scarify planting medium. The use of fertilizers or nutrients are also quite recommended. But it must be adapted to each phas Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014e of plant growth.

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