Hope is the restoration of forest ecosystems in Indonesia located in Jambi and South Sumatra. Location Forest of Hope is located on the border of the two provinces of Jambi and South Sumatra, with a total area of 98.554 hectares. This forest isBUNDAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA part of the concession before the two companies logging concessionaire forest concessions (HPH). Forty percent of the area is the Secondary Forest High, 25% is secondary forest and 25% Moderate a Low secondary forest. The remaining 10% is open area and shrubs.
Hope Forest neighborhood located in District Bejubang, Jambi Province. Geographically this region is located between 103015'0 south latitude and 205'0'', 5'' east longitude.
Figure 2.2. Map Location of Forest Research in the area of Jambi Hope
2.3. Effect of Climate Soil temperature is one of the factors that determine the soil physical presence and density of soil organisms, thus the soil temperature will determine the rate of decomposition of soil organic matter. Fluctuations in soil temperature is lower than the air temperature, and soil temperature depends on air temperature. Topsoil temperature fluctuated in one day and night and the seasons. Fluctuations it also depends on the weather conditions, topography and soil conditions (Suin, 1997). According to Wallwork (1970), the magnitude of the change in the temperature wave away layers of soil relate to the amount of solar radiation falling on the surface of the ground. The amount of radiation that terintersepsi before reaching the ground surface, depending on the existing vegetation on the surface. Measurement of soil pH is also very necessary in conducting research on soil fauna. Suin (1997), states that there are animals that live in the soil pH soil acidic and some are happy to live on land that has an alkaline pH. For this type of Collembola are choosing to live in the so-called acid soil Collembola asidofil group, who chose to live on the land base class called Collembola kalsinofil, while that can live in the soil acidic and basic groups called Collembola indifferent. III. METHOD
3.1. Location and Time Research Research will be conducted in two different places, namely in the field and in the laboratory. Field research was conducted in Oil Palm Plantation in Jambi Hope Forest Area. While at the Laboratory of Soil Biotechnology Laboratory carried out in the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (ITSL) IPB and Laboratory of Zoology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Cibinong Bogor. The study will begin in November 2013 until April 2014.
3.2. Materials and Equipment The materials used in this study is an example of land, SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA 70% alcohol and ethylene glycol. The tools used in this study is Kempson extractor, plastic bag (to bring the sample), microscope, stereomicroscope, drill soil (soil cores), litmus paper, thermometer, petri dishes, bottles films / bottle collection, tweezers, needle ose, pipettes, glass beaker, Collembola identification books, cameras, paper labels and stationery.
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